How it all started...
On December 31, 1998, in the home of Pastors Barry and Tammy Camp, fourteen people gathered to have a Bible study. During the next two months, attendance at the Bible study grew. People who were not attending church and who needed God to move in their lives were coming to hear God's word. At that time, Pastors Barry and Tammy realized the need for a public building for these people to come together to worship God.
In March of 1999, following much prayer and God's guidance, the building on Vinearden Road, Morganton, North Carolina, was rented and later purchased for the purpose of establishing a place of worship. Pastors Barry and Tammy, along with the members, founded Harvest Praise Church.
In March of 1999, following much prayer and God's guidance, the building on Vinearden Road, Morganton, North Carolina, was rented and later purchased for the purpose of establishing a place of worship. Pastors Barry and Tammy, along with the members, founded Harvest Praise Church.

Expanding the vision...
During the next five years, God moved mightily at Harvest Praise Church. Music, youth and children, and mission ministries were established and flourished. People from all walks of life and all denominations were gathering to see healings, miracles and deliverances take place.
It was evident that Harvest Praise Church required a larger facility to accomplish the things that God wanted them to do. Pastors Barry and Tammy, along with members, prayed and fasted for the place that God wanted the church to go. In 2004 the current facility on Rockyford Street was purchased.
In 2016 Pastors Barry and Tammy had the opportunity to have a local church join with them and from this, The Rising Church was born.
It was evident that Harvest Praise Church required a larger facility to accomplish the things that God wanted them to do. Pastors Barry and Tammy, along with members, prayed and fasted for the place that God wanted the church to go. In 2004 the current facility on Rockyford Street was purchased.
In 2016 Pastors Barry and Tammy had the opportunity to have a local church join with them and from this, The Rising Church was born.
Where we are headed...
Through the years we have seen so much change and so much expansion, yet the purpose, the drive, and the message has never altered - to win souls and make disciples. Our goal is to equip each believer with the necessary means to become an effective witness for Jesus Christ. We seek to expand the vision even further by increasing our international presence along with our community outreaches by living out the command Jesus gave to go into all the world and make disciples. We continue to seek the Lord for guidance and can’t wait to see what the Father has in store for

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship at 10:00 AM.